 Research 

Mining of stories, from people’s real life goals, expectations and habits.
This way I gain empathy on why and how people make certain decisions.

#DiaryStudy #Interview #Observation #QualitativeResearch #AffinityMapping #Insights

 Ideation 

Expansion of stories, through ideation sessions.
I love to explore and generate a wide variety for possible experiences.

#WorkshopFacilitation #Brainstorm #Doodle

 Concept Design 

Sifting of stories, by combining ideas and visualizing storyline.
The intended experience is crystalized, structured and communicated more clearly.

#CustomerJourney #Persona #Strategy #Scenario #Sketch

 Product & Service Design

Validating of stories, by prototyping, testing and learning from people’s feedback in different iterations.
Hence I can improve the experience quickly, making a product service system for the right reasons.
#PaperPrototypes #RapidPrototyping #Arduino #Render #3DModel
  |  About  |  Experiences  |  Storytelling  +  Prototyping  |